26 September 2007


What is your perception of life?

Generally speaking, how do we see life, how do we distinguish between what is important and what is not?

In my twenty’s I was diagnosed with MS, but remembering I was the only person to ever be pulled out of an ice crevasse in Hintertux ski resort alive, my perception was challenged but remained positive about life. Always one to rise to a challenge, my transformation from rugby playing, surfing, skiing hero to the less physically mobile but much more developed emotionally and spiritually human being I am today has been made easier by remembering
how cool it is to be alive at all.

I guess the most important thing in life is living your to the life to the full and avoiding falling down whatever crevasse life may throw at you.

Let’s say the perception is like viewing life through goggles. If the tint of the goggles is blue, the world appears blue, if its black the world too 'becomes' black.

If you see yourself as a degenerative, incurable case, that’s what you’ll get. In the same way if you think life’s so positive and you’re really happy with how you feel about life, that’s what you and your life will be. Whilst it can be difficult or impossible to change reality, you can change your perception of it. By doing this you have in fact changed your own reality.

Damian Houston

1 comment:

birthingbabe said...

I take a similar view on life Damien,I believe we definately learn from our life experiences,we then have a template upon which we then can create who we are and deliver ourselves as we wish to be perceived. But the predominant factor is we have consciously taken responsibility for this self-development.

Damien...you are an inspiration..hold onto that!
your survival in the crevasse however was probably miniscule compared to your diagnosis! You face life everyday with hurdles that you cast to one side..there's no denying the enormity of the blow! but knowing you personally,
you live your life with an enormous rather unpredictable spirit..which we have all grown to know and love (ahem)

Your attitude and tolerance towards your condition,without defeat, is an inspiration, when your life was so active both mentally and physically being an avid sports man, your determination to meet those challenges face on wearing multi coloured goggles is evidence of your decision to live a colourful

The stark reality is that although so much good comes from negative and stifled experiences, too many people dwell on this and end up being victims to someone else's bad and or negative and if you like I will go so far as to say dysfunctional behaviour... (Let me try and example this)

To me there is a sense that you have had the opportunity to see and learn from these experiences and turn them into to good and positive outcomes!

Positively we can grasp
life...like a swing rope and take the plunge..encapsulate the joy, the love and hope and amazement that life offers, show love,accept love, be proud of your achievements and smile at the end of the day!.......(Not to mention the zillion and one other fantastic moments, emotions and or experiences life offers)

On the other hand all too regularly people turn their negative experiences, into self absorbed, goo! where they always see a reason to moan or drain others, they see life as a drag
and relatively young spirited people, seem to be dragging themselves through life as if stuck in a black hole. their faces are empty, they don't smile...at least if they do it's not from the soul!

Everyone!!!!!!! LISTEN UP! Those who show the negative path..those who inflict hurt..those who tear our confidence to shreds..bully and or stifle our imagination and will to develop....

Defeat the experience..develop into a confident,imaginative,
creative, loving human beings,
have a go smile while you talk to someone see their response..push yourself to stand up and talk when you're quaking in your boots..any bad words your have had inflicted on you..feel pity for the person who is infact the victim...don't offer to carry their back pack of baggage..by allowing them to burden
you with their load. be a SURVIVOR Be more than that! be an
incredible human being,then turn around and thank them for showing you how not to behave...your perception of yourself and others perception of you,will suddenly take on a new meaning and watch your face light up and your soul will glow behind the smile..you feel energised and find yourself
grasping for that swing rope and taking the plunge..................
grasp life. and value what it offers....