4 October 2007

Spanish Living

The Spanish have had a conscious living approach for years, especially in southern Spain.

You will be pushed to find an open shop in the midday heat because the Spainish will be tucked up in bed. This is not just because of the punishing heat of southern Spain, but also because it is cool for everyone to be eating tapas and drinking wine at 3am.

This works for everybody, not because it's the law, but because the spanish have long been conscious of there own health and wellbeing and have adjusted their lifestyle to suit.

I have just got back from Marbella and noticed how laid back the Spaniards of the tourist areas are. It's out of peak season now so the reduced number of hoards of drunken Engish tourists may indeed help and one quickly learns the laid back drivers only consider red traffic lights important if the junction being crossed is reasonably busy.

Maybe the change of perception has come about since Spain's release from dictatorship of General Franco in 1975- freedom can certainly help one focus on the important things in life.