19 November 2007

Conscious Conception

On the subject of conception, is it that we are blessed with child or is it a conscious decision we make to conceive? many women I have known who are desperately trying to conceive are met with an abundance of hurdles that appear to be preventing the natural process of conception happening. It would appear that the more you think (mental conscience) the more hijacked the women becomes, and the ongoing arrival of the unwanted monthly cycle, seems to bring nothing but dread and upset....furthermore stalling the couple having their much wanted baby....frequently there are no definitive answers and it would appear as soon as the couple stop consciously trying to have a baby, 'voila' there he/she is...implanted in the womb, ready for the journey through to birth some 40 wks later

I think there is nothing more luxurious and gracious than having a relaxed approach to conception, deciding that it is for you both and allowing nature to do the rest, save to say, when medical issues are preventing a pregnancy.....however it is suggested by the medical profession, that the average couple will take up to 12 months to conceive. I am of the approach that if it is meant to be, it will happen, if you are relaxed about the reality of having a baby and enjoy the loving and being loved by your partner, then it makes sense that your body will be accepting to the miracle of pregnancy....

This is the point to cease contraception, obviously everyone to their own and advice should be sought ref, the contraceptive pill and hormone related methods, if a IUD is used then an appointment with your doctor should be made to have it removed.....commence folic acid as recommended by the medical profession 3 months prior to conception and up till 12 weeks of pregnancy, to help the prevention of nural tube defects.

But most of all know that it is right for you and your partner, know that you both are committed and bound, in producing this little miracle and nurturing and protecting him/her through life. Easing your baby into the world, not thrusting him/her into it. knowledge has brought much change and the return of natural nappies, and many organic and natural products allows for a purer essence in which to bathe our babes so to speak and swaddle them in naturalness.it makes sense does it not?...Nurture our babies at the breast and ensure dad has skin to skin contact as much as mum does.....starting from the moment of birth, the fundamental bonding fest...most of all create you baby out of love and bring him/her up secure within that love........