13 July 2007

Sustainable living lessons on the national curriculum

Thanks to Tracey Smith, writer, broadcaster and downshifting & sustainable living supremo for this prompt:
Please sign my petition to No 10 (UK Prime Minister's address) to get sustainable living lessons on the national curriculum - thank you.

War of the Roses!

PICASSO: (arguing) And what the hell do you know about it anyway... you're a scientist! You just want theories...
EINSTEIN: Yes, and like you, the theories must be beautiful. You know why the sun doesn't revolve aroud the earth? Because the idea isn't beautiful enough...

PICASSO: So you're saying you bring a beautiful idea into being?
EINSTEIN: Yes. We create a system and see if the facts can fit it.

PICASSO: So you're not just describing the world as it is?
EINSTEIN: No! We are creating a new way of looking at the world!

PICASSO: So you're saying you dream the impossible and put it into effect?
EINSTEIN: Exactly.

PICASSO: Brother!
EINSTEIN: Brother!

S Martin, 1996

10 July 2007

"I choose love - The experience by Shawn Gallaway

I Choose Love - The Experience echoes hope to all peoples of the earth, by utilising the tools of acceptance, compassion, forgiveness and love.

9 July 2007

Spa Stars - Discovery Retreats

Read my piece in the new Spa Secrets about Discovery Retreats - great people:


8 July 2007

Help create a new consciousness

"At the moment, our world is out of balance and a lot of us feel we have no control over its future," says Anne Jones, founder of Hearts and Hands.

"The message we want to convey to you is that every one of us has incredible power and can make a difference to our world and our Mother Earth.

Starting today, we’re looking for 144,000 committed people like ourselves, to help create a new consciousness and heal our world. If you’re intrigued by this concept," please click here