29 June 2007

TRANSPORT - The world's First Sexy Eco-Sports Car

VIDEO: The First Sexy Green Sportscar

Hermeto Pascoal: Música da Lagoa

Whenever I need a little kick, something to get me doing things again I watch this video Hermeto Pascoal performing. Hermeto is known mostly for his use unconventional instruments and the inspiration for his compositions, nature. In this clip he's immersed in a lagoon, playing with flutes and bottles.

27 June 2007


"Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal." - Henry Ford (1863-1947)

Message from the Beech

Hello from the Copper Beech boardroom, Wentworth, UK

Just blogging a key message from Today's meeting:

"It ain't what we do, it's the WHY that we do it" - that's what get conscious results...

26 June 2007

Madonna "Hey you!" - official Live Earth video

Thoughts from Within – Woody Speaks Out

Actor, 'Mother Earth' activist, vegetarian and raw foodist Woody Harrelson has, for a long time, pondered and spoken out on environmental and social issues. Here, with a little artistic licence, he adds colour to his thoughts and shares them with the world in poetic form...... http://www.voiceyourself.com/03_thoughtsfromwithin/03_movie.php

I sometimes feel like an alien creature

for which there is no earthly explanation

Sure I have human form

walking erect and opposing digits,

but my mind is upside down.

I feel like a run-on sentence

in a punctuation crazy world.

and I see the world around me

like a mad collective dream.

An endless stream of people

move like ants from the freeway

cell phones, pc's, and digital displays

"In Money We Trust,"

we'll find happiness

the prevailing attitude;

like a genetically modified irradiated Big Mac

is somehow symbolic of food.

Morality is legislated

prisons over-populated

religion is incorporated

the profit-motive has permeated all activity

we pay our government to let us park on the street

And war is the biggest money-maker of all

we all know missile envy only comes from being small.

Politicians and prostitutes

are comfortable together

I wonder if they talk about the strange change in the weather.

This government was founded by, of, and for the people

but everybody feels it

like a giant open sore

they don't represent us anymore

And blaming the President for the country's woes

is like yelling at a puppet

for the way it sings

Who's the man behind the curtain pulling the strings?

A billion people sitting watching their TV

in the room that they call living

but as for me

I see living as loving

and since there is no loving room

I sit on the grass under a tree

dreaming of the way things used to be

Pre-Industrial Revolution

which of course is before the rivers and oceans, and skies were polluted

before Parkinson's, and mad cows

and all the convoluted cacophony of bad ideas

like skyscrapers, and tree paper, and earth rapers

like Monsanto and Dupont had their way

as they continue to today.

This was Pre-us

back when the buffalo roamed

and the Indian's home

was the forest, and God was nature

and heaven was here and now

Can you imagine clean water, food, and air

living in community with animals and people who care?

Do you dare to feel responsible for every dollar you lay down

are you going to make the rich man richer

or are you going to stand your ground

You say you want a revolution

a communal evolution

to be a part of the solution

maybe I'll be seeing you around.

The Incredible Veggie Show

Viva, the animal welfare and vegetarian campaign group is holding a vegetarian event in London on Saturday 30th June 2007 from 10.00am – 5.30pm at the Royal Horticultural Halls – Lawrence Hall & Conference Centre on Greycoat Street, London, SW1P 2QD.

The event promises to be the largest in Europe with over 100 stalls, food samples, wines, competitions, celebrity auction, books, health advice, campaign news, veggie products, beauty products, kids play area, vegan café and much more.

Admission is £3 and under 16s go free.

For more information check out the link below.


24 June 2007

What are we waiting for?

Humanity has a 'wait problem'.

Yes - you read that right. Because whilst many may well have a weight problem, I reckon a far greater threat to health, vitality and well-being lies in the waiting game.

This line of thought comes from a conversation I had with my 18-year-old daughter this week who is bogged down and bored with exams, the doldrums between school and (so-called) higher education (is it higher? Or just more?), plus the heady (and seemingly less hearty by-the-day) world of relationships.

She was fed-up and that struck me as a big fat shame; so young, and so already having the sheen taken off life, which – in my mid-life crisis – I'm so desperately trying to polish back on.

It occurred to me that if we live to the over-ripe old-age of 80, we'll have around 4,000 weeks dancing on this earth in this body looking at these words. Yes - it is frightening put like that. And you should be afraid; very afraid, as you're probably well into those weeks if you're old enough to still be buying and reading a newspaper!

I figure I've got about 2,000 weeks left if I do make it to 80 and probably around 1,000 of those feeling in tip-top physical shape, god-willing, until my mortal coil inevitably experiences the more noticeable effects of wear and tear. Not long. Yes, I've always known that life is short (yet curiously it's the longest thing we'll ever do), but sometimes a kick up the existential backside can work wonders.

Back to daughter and my advice to her was: "Enjoy it!" Cut down on the boredom, drama and worry; live fully, positively and take action to make your dreams come true. Make those 4,000 weeks count girl. Do your best in your exams; but don't strangle your beautiful spirit with stress; sure, go to university, but don't let it get in the way; and have a relationship, but remember if it hurts, it's not love.

More generally, who among us doesn't want to live in a 'better' way, being a 'better' person in a 'better' world? You Sir? Then you must be dead from the neck down!

Who doesn't have dreams, schemes and ideas that will move them from where they are now, to where they'd rather be?

Sure, there are exceptions to prove every rule, but the key point is: if it IS true, that we do want these things - each in our own way and with our own definition of 'better' - what are we waiting for?

That's your 'wait problem'. Are you waiting for enough time, enough money, enough support? You're not alone. But to all the worst-case scenarios, I say: "excuses, excuses, excuses". You know it's true. If not now, when? If not you, then who?

It just so happens that I'm reading a truly great book at the moment that addresses these very issues. Don't let the flippant title put you off or the fact that an American wrote it. It's just plain brilliant. It's called: "The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join the New Rich" by Tim Ferriss.

"The biggest misconception about work is that you have to spend most of your life doing it. The idea of sacrificing 20-30 years in the prime of life should be seen for what it is: absolutely unnecessary," says Tim. I agree and I'm not waiting.

Whilst you may think lack of time, money or support are stopping you, I urge you to think again and just take a small step towards your ideals. If changing your life or sharing your vision seems risky, do it anyway – you might and probably will be - surprised.

You might give away that "big idea", get ripped off or get laughed at for having such ridiculous goals or aspirations – so it's better to stay small, right?

NO! I think not. I say it's time to share. It's time to get the support, skills and encouragement you need to get your better life, and your big idea – out of your heart, out of your mind – and into the world.

You've nothing to lose but your fear and the life you dream of retiring from one day! Once it was enough to seize the day; now I ask you to seize the moment. 4,000 and counting down…

He (or she) who hesitates is lost (with a big fat wait problem).