25 September 2007

A few words....

A few words from recently read books that I want to share with you.

Your spirits plan purpose was agreed upon before your present incarnation and is inscribed in every cell of your body.

Our directive from the Lord of Life is to reactivate what is lying dormant in your consciousness and awaken your Higher Self’s commitment to your true nature.

Always live with an open heart, compassionate, acceptance and unconditional love for yourself and all of the Universe’s Creatures and Creations.

Once a day has passed, that lesson is over and its time to move on to the next. Dwelling on what is gone is the greatest waste of our precious gift of life and serves no useful purpose what so ever.

Have compassionate acceptance and unconditional love and forgiveness every moment of your life. There is nothing more profound, greater or more urgent than this.

Yesterday is History, Tomorrow is a Mystery and Today is a Present.

Divine Magic – The Seven Sacred Secrets of Manifestation – Doreen Virtue

How to Heal Toxic Thoughts – Sandra Ingerman

Soul – Lessons and Soul Purpose – Sonia Choquette

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