23 September 2007

Barefoot Paths

I have just read an article in this months Natural Health magazine about Britain’s first Barefoot Park that has opened at the Trentham Estate, Stoke-on-Trent, www.trenthamleisure.co.uk It’s a playground for your feet, with lots of different textures to stimulate the feet, they say its DIY Reflexology. There are 7000 nerves and 26 bones in the feet!! That’s a lot of stimulation!! In the East Reflexology paths have been around for thousands of years, and according to the article ‘experiencing the sensation of different textures underfoot is invigorating’. And it reminded me that only last week while playing football with friends three young boys!!! I took off my sandals while running around on the grass, it was so enjoyable, I realised I hadn’t been barefoot on grass for a very long time. The feeling was WONDERFUL.

Watching Pretty Woman yet again last week!! Julia Roberts takes Richard Gere to the park and takes off his shoes and socks and makes him walk around on the grass barefoot, a workaholic who is always at his desk wearing a suit!!! Getting him to connect back with nature.

As a rebellious teenager I used to walk most places barefoot and I had forgotten how good it feels. It is so easy to forget our inner child, and not take them out to play, why not yours out today for a Barefoot Walk.

Also, in the article it talks about Elizabeth Marazita, a doctor of Acupuncture who has designed many Barefoot Paths in America, and has also developed and indoor mat!!! www.pathsofhealth.com like walking on a pebble beach in your own home!!!
And finally a quote from a book by Adele Coombs ‘Barefoot Dreaming’ Going barefoot is the gentlest way of walking and can symbolize a way of living – being authentic, vulnerable, sensitive to our surroundings. It’s the feeling of enjoying warm sand beneath our toes, or carefully making our way over sharp rocks in the darkness. It’s a way of living that has the lightest impact, removing the barrier between us and nature” so why not kick off your shoes and start enjoying today…..


Carl said...

Welcome to the blog - great contribution.

Don't your feet get dirty?

And if God had mean't us to go barefoot...er...

Helena said...

I love walking barefoot! I once crossed the UK border barefoot; arriving from a long flight, couldn't bare even a though of the shoes on my feet, and so I walked through the (carpeted) corridors of Heathrow and through the customs with my shoes in one hand and a laptop case in another...