7 July 2007

World's first website to "clean" you of negativity as you review it

Heads up here on a forthcoming book - "Zero Limits" by Dr. Joe Vitale and Dr. Hew Len.

"Here," says Joe's site, "are two ho'oponopono proven ways to heal yourself (or anyone else) of anything you notice. Remember that what you see in another is also in you, so all healing is self-healing. No one else has to do these processes but you. The entire world is literally in your hands.

First, this is the prayer Morrnah (the creator of this new process) said to help heal hundreds if not thousands of people. It's simple but powerful:

"Divine creator, father, mother, son as one ... If I, my family, relatives and ancestors have offended you, your family, relatives and ancestors in thoughts, words, deeds and actions from the beginning of our creation to the present, we ask your forgiveness ... Let this cleanse, purify, release, cut all the negative memories, blocks, energies and vibrations and transmute these unwanted energies to pure light ... And it is done."

Second, the way Dr. Hew Len likes to heal is to first say "I'm sorry" and "Please forgive me." You say this to acknowledge that something - without you knowing what it is - has gotten into your body/mind system. You have no idea how it got there. You don't need to know, either.

If you are overweight, you simply caught the program that is making you that way. By saying "I'm sorry," you are telling the Divine that you want forgiveness inside yourself for whatever brought it to you. You're not asking the Divine to forgive you; you're asking the Divine to help you forgive yourself.

From there, you say "I love you" and "Thank you."

The "I love you" transmutes the energy from stuck to flowing. It reconnects you to the Divine. Since the zero state is one of pure love, and has zero limits, you are beginning to get to that state by expressing love. When you follow that statement with "Thank you," you are expressing gratitude.

You are showing your faith that the issue will be resolved for the highest good of all concerned.

What happens next is up to the Divine. You may be inspired to take action of some sort. Whatever it is, do it. If you aren't sure about the action to take, use this same healing method on your confusion. When you are clear, you'll know what to do."

The above is a simplified version of the modernized ho'oponopono key methods of healing. To better understand the Self I-Dentity Ho'oponopono process, sign up for a workshop. See www.hooponopono.org

To understand what Dr. Hew Len and Dr. Vitale are doing together, see www.zerolimits.info

You can see another excerpt from the book at http://www.zerolimits.info

In fact, it's the world's first website to "clean" you of negativity as you review it.

You can get the book in book stores or of course from amazon in July, 2007. Please be sure to tell friends and family about it. You can pre-order it at www.amazon.com today.

You can also learn more by reading about the famous "I love you" recording at:


Udai said...

My intention here is just to express my reaction upon reading this article. I must say, I was a little bit put off by it and the website. It seems very superficial to me.

Something bothered me about this paragraph "If you are overweight, you simply caught the program that is making you that way. By saying "I'm sorry," you are telling the Divine that you want forgiveness inside yourself for whatever brought it to you. You're not asking the Divine to forgive you; you're asking the Divine to help you forgive yourself."

Now, not to be a negative nancy, but I am a little bit skeptical of the ho'oponopono method pertaining to this example. It's is blurring the line between spirituality and self help. My spirituality has nothing to do with whether I am overweight or not and whether I can forgive myself for it. Much like the law of attraction that has been highjacked by the secret which tells us that if we want a big screen tv all we have to do is really want it. Both the secret and the ho'oponopono method tread on a slippery slope for me as it means that the victim is blamed for their own situation. Don't get me wrong, I can see that this is based upon simple and valuable teaching but I feel that in it's interpretation it can lead to alot of harm...even if we are going to be forgiving ourselves for it. I love you and thank you can be part of our psyche without blaming ourselves for anything negative that occurs in our own lives. Really I find it hard to understand how blame has even come into this equation. The zero limits system is offering me "Wealth, Health, Peace and more". I never knew that once you connect with the divine money begins to come your way too! This mirrors the concept of success in "The Secret" where success is monetary and the things that you have.

While we are in control of ourselves and we can bring about change from the inside out, there are many social forces at work that push people into their own bad situations. If I make a low income, live in a poor neighborhood going through a cycle of disinvestment and the closest grocery store is miles away it becomes easier for me to be unhealthy or overweight. In such a situation for me to blame it on myself and ask for forgiveness of myself seems counterproductive to the idea of having zero blocks in my life. Guilt tripping yourself does not seem like any kind of a viable solution to me to connect with yourself of god or whatever it may be.

This is part of an ideology...maybe even a theology of selfishness and entitlement. Life is not just about the positives, it is about the negatives as well. You cannot have one without the other.

Most appalling that I find is that gratitude and forgiveness here are seen only as ways to attract more good and positive things into your life. Nevermind the value of gratitude and forgiving for their own ends. If you do these things, positive things will happen to you!

On the topic of love, it was Khalil Gibran's prophet who said:
"If in your fear you would seek only love's peace and love's pleasure,
Then it is better for you that you cover your nakedness and pass out of love's threshing-floor,
Into the seasonless world where you shall laugh, but not all of your laughter, and weep, but not all of your tears."

Helena said...

I hear you Udai, and I agree with quite a few points you made. In particular the one where you say: "It's blurring the line between spirituality and self help."
This reminded me of something that I witnessed some 18 years ago and it sticked to my mind. It was an evening where a follower of a certain spiritual teaching was telling the audience about the benefits of the teaching. When he asked whether there were any questions, one young man raised his hand and said: "If I follow the teaching and gain control of my mind, will I be able to obtain the girl I love?"
An old song says: Happiness is - different thing to different people. And so it is with spirituality, it seems. Or at least with what people call spirituality. 'You talk of Bliss, well this is what it is for me!'

To be continued...