24 August 2007

Love those salad days

In the background, my garden; in the foreground, my dinner.

Twice this week, in mainstream supermarkets, I've found punnets of "living salad" - and I reckon you can't get much fresher or more nutritious (well, it could - and probably will be - organic, one day) than that.

It's delicious and a sign of how things are changing so fast. In fact, I reckon things are changing at an exponential rate now as we appear to be nearing conscious critical mass.

For the official news release, go to: http://www.j-sainsbury.co.uk/index.asp?PageID=422&subsection=&Year=2005&NewsID=549


Sunnymead said...

Dear Carl,
Just a question, have you ever eaten RAW food? or the living food you're referring to
and please tell us in DETAIL what it tastes like
my liimited experience of raw food made me feel positively sick. quite disgusting actually.
the most i can manage in the raw food, living food world is vegetarian organic food.

Carl said...

Interestingly, I reckon we all eat a lot of raw food - fruit, nuts and seeds etc. Maybe I've overstated this a bit - this is only salad with its roots still in soil. I tend to only eat what I enjoy and/or am attracted to - eating food whilst it still has life energy in it is appealing to me...straight from the tree or not long out of the earth...still carrying chi, vita, life etc
Copper Beech's restaurant will I'm sure reclaim your heart when it comes to raw food.
My living salad tastes alive and leaves me with that same feeling - so you know, I had a bed of the said fresh-cut living salad covered in delicious 'Vivaldi' potatoes, lightly steamed brocolli and a variety of squat carrot I'd not seen before. Then on top of that prawns and avocado dressed with olive oil, balsamic vinegar, squeezed lemon, a dash of soy and lots of freshly ground black pepper and some crushed sea salt - we loved it!