20 August 2007

Another side to the Green Fakers

The Green Hypocrisy Conundrum
I came across a post at Hugg this morning that really intrigued me. It reminded me of an overall question that’s been rattling around in my head for quite some time. Essentially my query is this - if a person/organization inspires positive change on the environmental front, yet falls somewhat short in their own activities, should their ‘hypocrisy’ outweigh all the good things they have accomplished?

read the rest at http://www.ecosherpa.com/green-commentary/the-green-hypocrisy-conundrum/


Helena said...

As I was struggling with your question, I opened Vedanta Treatise (A. Parthasarathy) looking for an answer. This is where it opened:

"It is easier to understand another or the world around you but extremly difficult to understand yourself.
The moment you find a fault in another remember to look within yourself. You waste a lot of energy in judging and criticising others.
Divert that energy to finding your own flaws and faults and eradicate them."

Sunnymead said...

Helena that is so beautiful. Thank you.