16 October 2007

The role of a Doula (Trained birthing partner)

I am frequently asked 'what is a dealer?' no dear "I'm a Doula! not a dealer!!" what on earth is that? the dictionary states "mothers maid" one who cares for the mother!! for want of a better explanation a birthing partner offering knowledge, experience, support and nurture to pregnant ladies, their partners and families....including ante-natal/post natal support! I have included in my training specialist areas and top up support packages which, combined with my counselling training and breast feeding counselling, serve to offer an all round reassuring package to would be clients....thus allowing me to work with a variety of clients, with a variety of requirements and expectations!

Fundamentally, I like to build a relationship early on with the mum-to-be and her partner/family, we establish what the expectations are and then I tend to lean towards a 'de-brief' of any earlier birthing experiences, as each birth is unique as is every child conceived! therefore earlier disappointing labours need to be put to rest as much as is possible and trust built between you and the mum, towards a more positive birth outcome, this in my experience comes from the mere presence,of a woman who herself knows what 'she' is experiencing! the more bodily and self aware you are the more assistance you can be to a labouring woman.

Doulas work independently and are not medically trained, therefore we offer no medical advice although we discuss with clients the options laid down by the medical profession. Another vital area within our work, is to ensure the mother and father- to-be, have their birth plans followed through and are given informed choices, should any complications arise. I again have witnessed, interventions, that may not have been accepted, with better information and explanation,

In an ideal world, Doulas' would work with natural births and predominantly choose home births over hospital! I myself have experienced both. preferring and advocating home over hospital, save to say any medical reason that my baby would be in danger and therefore need medical intervention. However, I simply support whatever each individual chooses for themselves, although I feel if you are booking an epidural the minute you walk through the labour ward door, then inevitably your money would probably be best spent at a spa for recouperation, instead of employing my services, which are fundamentally in situ, to take you through a gentler and as near to natural an experience as we can achieve together. Ultimately, I am happy to support ANY type of labour, inclusive of caesarean delivery, As the purpose of my role,alongside, My personal goals, are to work with my clients,alleviating fear and be totally there for the expectant mum, supporting her individual challenges and choices.

Resulting in a more relaxed and enpowered mum, caring for her baby with confidence and dads benefit from the reassurance of an experienced, hand holder by his and his labouring partner's side, encouraging interaction and loving support to welcome his baby with ease into the world.....

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