6 September 2007

Must be a sign: five years 'til 2012 and I'm not ready

Coincidence, serendipity, synchronicity, fate, bad luck ... call it what you will, yet stuff happens that can make you go "hmmmmm".

Take this parking ticket (pictured). It clearly says: "Expiry Time - 20:12" and note it also says "Not Transferable".

Could the Mayans have been right? Is it all going to expire (untransferrably) in 2012?

And if they were so good at picking sell-by dates, how come they didn't see the end of their own civilisation coming? (Apologies to Stuart Wilde, I think?)

Any way, watch out for the signs and be of good cheer; you never know when your expiry time is coming (unless you're in a pay and display car park).

PS Is the goldfish another sign?

1 comment:

Ruby said...

Why bother 'watching out for the signs' and become overly paranoid and pessimistic; instead, just live, go forth 'and let life takes it course?'