17 August 2007

Out of my head

It's not every day you go to a business meeting and end up "out of your head". That's what happened to me just recently.

As a preface to, as well as a foundation for the business at hand, a man by the name of Sanjai Verma showed us how to relate from our "hearts and hips", as well as our minds – the tool of choice for most meetings, for most people, in most offices - the world over.

By going beyond the very personal space between our ears, Sanjai gifted us with tools to help make us more creative, effective and open to the energy of others in the room.

On my way home from what was clearly a meeting more useful than most, and with tools to take away for use in the boardroom and beyond, I wondered what got Sanjai into this line of work. And in later conversation, I discovered that Sanjai was something of a spiritual explorer – going boldly where few dare to go.

"In my mid twenties I became disenchanted with my life as a financial controller and despite being physically fit and healthy, I never really felt happy within myself," confessed Sanjai who began a 4-year journey devouring books on religion, spirituality, yoga and meditation, who'd go to work to fulfil his "normal duties" and in the evenings and at weekends, read even more and attend various courses.

"During my journey I have trained in different types of massage, healing and psychic awareness," Sanjai explained. "Unconsciously, I was exploring energy work and delving into the subtle forces that shape our lives. I also met various gurus and found that despite them being regarded as 'enlightened', they didn't really impart any knowledge or tools that I could use on a daily basis."

"My understanding now is that we are all made of energy, a very vibrant dynamic and creative energy and that all of life's drama is simply a wonderful interplay of energy flowing," reveals Sanjai, after much lonely soul-searching and many ups and downs along his spiritual journey.

"Man is the only being that has been created to be able to 'step' outside of this energy," he reckons, "and in doing creates an ego which supports his uniqueness and individuality."

"Through the ego we have the opportunity to get completely lost in life. The further we go from our true nature, the lonelier we feel, and the more painful it becomes until there is an inner awakening which guides us back," suggests Sanjai who thinks we all have an inner being, soul or spirit to guide us.

The challenge, he adds, is to "listen to another part of us that can actually heal and make things easier, when we have become used to trusting only our rational voices."

"My personal experience with clients in the last eight years is that as much as we say we want to change, initially there is inertia, reluctance and distrust of actually letting go of the old ways of doing things and open to the new," said Sanjai whose combination of all the systems he's studied have given birth to something unique which he calls 'dynamic energy'.

"I am in the ongoing process of creating and manifesting a system that is easy and natural, and offers people tools to use on a daily basis in their personal and professional lives. The challenge is to make the journey back to your spirit - a wonderful and exhilarating experience."

"It is easy because all that it requires is that you become aware of your body, mind and breath. We know so little about ourselves on a subtle level because we are forever caught in our gross physical life. The most important aspect to all this is your breathing, something that you do every day without really being aware of it," claims Sanjai, convinced that Yogic breathing exercises, officially known as Pranayama, allow us to increase our lung capacity and efficiency, giving us access to previously untapped resources of energy.

"In understanding the natural flow of energy, we can find harmony and reap the benefits of better health, creativity and energy, rather than fighting the very forces that shape us. Swimming downstream is far easier than upstream, ask any salmon!"

"Living in connection with nature brings more respect for it and an awareness of your part in the whole dynamic of life," says Sanjai, the originator of "dynamic energy" which teaches us the value of living life directly as spirit, rather than as a human trying to be spirit. He's definitely onto something and - as for me - I'm out of my head much more these days.


Damian Houston said...

Damn right...

Helena said...

I remember that great feeling coming from getting 'out of my head' with Sanjai; that radiant awareness of the bliss of pure existence.