29 August 2007

Four films about 2012 and the global consciousness shift

Just like buses, you wait for ages and then four come along at once! Four what? you ask. Four films about the shift in global consciousness of course!

Are they worth watching? I don't know I haven't seen them yet; however, I'm looking forward to all of them. Here's a sneak preview of four films that you can expect to see in your spiritual multiplex over the next year or so.

Time of the Sixth Sun

Teaser: "We have entered a critical time in the history of humanity...It's time to change. This film is about the shift in global awareness and the transformation of consciousness as we approach 2012." - View the trailer

From the website: "Time of the Sixth Sun is a multi-platform film project about the awakening and transformation of global consciousness, a witnessing of these times and the huge potential for change in the world …… in the way we relate to it and the way we live in it."

Speakers include: Archbishop Desmond Tutu, Credo Mutwa, Don Alverto Taxo, Maestro Tlakaelel, Lynne Franks, Dr.Maseru Emoto, HH Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, Geoff Stray, Dr. Manjir Samanta-Laughton, Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev, Carl Johan Calleman, Tom Kenyon, Carla Rueckert and many more. More from the synopsis

Website: http://www.timeofthesixthsun.com

2012 The Odyssey

Teaser: "Did you know that the Mayan calander comes to an end in 2012? Did you know that ther are other prophesies from all over the world that predict that something amazing is going to happen in 2012?" View the trailer

Speakers: José Argüelles, Gregg Braden, John Major Jenkins, Rick Levine, Sharron Rose, Geoff Stray, Geoff Stray, Alberto Villoldo, Jay Weidner More from the synopsis

Website: http://www.2012theodyssey.com

Shift of the Ages

Teaser: "This cycle of the ancient Mayan Calendar ends in the year 2012. This is the death of the 4th period of the sun...And the birth of the new 5th sun." View the trailer

From the website: "According to an ancient Mayan Calendar we are living in the last days of a great cosmic cycle known as the "Long Count." Traditionally, this is labeled as the Death of the Fourth period of the Sun and the Birth of the new Fifth Sun. The Maya keep accurate and detailed records of cosmic cycles, Earth's transitions and extreme changes in civilizations' collective consciousness. Indigenous traditions and world religions as well as Platonic philosophy view the current phase of existence as a harbinger of radical adjustment in our perception of reality. The birth of the 5th Sun signifies a "Shift of the Ages." More from the synopsis

Website: http://www.shiftingages.com

The Shift

Teaser: "A movie made by a movement" View the trailer

From the website: "A massive worldwide phenomenon is in progress, offering seeds of great hope for the future. Millions of individuals, organizations and corporations around the world are waking up and embracing a new outlook with an emphasis on their responsibility to contribute positively to our collective future. We are in the middle of the biggest social transformation in human history, The SHIFT." More from the synopsis

Website: http://theshiftmovie.com

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