13 August 2007

About Me

It's easy for me to speak in riddles,
it's easy for me to sing,
it's easy for me to excite,
but it's hard for me to be me.

I spoke so much - many of my lunches got cold,
I talked about everything: dance, dungeons and gold,
I wrote endless letters and read Tarot cards,
I whispered in theatres, and shouted in back-yards,

It seems I've done it all, yet I want to yell,
to sob, even scream this something I cannot tell.

I slept under the stars in a desert heat,
I danced in a crowd to the trance beat,
I closed my eyes and found Palaces I seek,
But the vision of my Self remained bleak.

I invited Love, come and flow through me,
I called for Light, to shine on my fears,
I flirted with Foolishness, it was worth a try,
But still I knew less and less - Who Am I…


suparna said...

i love it...is there more of it..?

Helena said...

Thank you Suparna!

More of it may come, but that is all there is right now. It was an inspired moment that I shared.

Helena said...


If this me is not I, then
who am I?
If I am not the one who speaks, then
who does?
If this me is only a robe then
who is
the one I am covering?