8 June 2007


I rejoice the day that this site was born. It literally came about through my own spiritual and emotional searching.

To give you a brief introduction to myself. My name is Deborah Brookes. I live in London, am married with three children and studied law in my younger days. I am not a doctor nor medically qualified in any way.

In November 2003, at the age of 47 I was diagnosed with advanced ductal carcinoma in situ. After considering two opinions and medical advice I had a mastectomy. My mother had been diagnosed with breast cancer nine months before which had unfortunately metastasised. It was very traumatic but somehow became less so once we decided to join forces to try to beat this horrible disease rather than just sit back and remain vulnerable. We had to get on with life and in doing so set out to gather as much information as possible on both orthodox and complementary treatments despite the distance between us ( she resides in Portugal). Neither of us had any idea what had hit us and we bonded again in a whole new way. We were somewhere else! My husband also found it difficult. There was so much that one needed to learn and continue to learn but time was of the essence and it took time, time and energy. So this is what led to the site being born. The realization that this information is needed by us all as quickly as possible so that we can tap into it straight away and start cleansing and caring for ourselves in a whole new way that can still be enjoyable and fulfilling.


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