13 June 2007

What did you see?

Alok sent this to me, first thing in the morning. It's quite beautiful!

Father you’re home what did you see what did you see?
The face in the clouds, or the honey bee?
Did you see the sunset sun?
The birds fly or the squirrel run?
I have been waiting the whole day
Look at those toys I kept out to play

Son, I know I’m late, forgive me for that
Let’s go out and we’ll walk a chat
I’ll show you what I saw on my daily trip
So when you grow you’ll come to a grip
There was glass, the stairs, the lonely stares
There was the class, the chairs, the unkempt hair
The screens were shining brand anew
The faces newer moved as if stuck with a glue
And like clockwork together they arose
Over their own telephones, just moved in a row
Then the parade of cars put on their lights
I could see a thousand fireflies jostling into the night
On my walk back home amidst the plastic piles
The use and throws, were giggles and smiles
There were friends, the dreams, and the innocent fun
Laugh a laugh, before the next day begun
The streets moved in trying to come still
I was thinking of you through the misty chill

Papa, our teacher said we should care
Plant trees and the animals spare
Papa have you heard the new consciousness song?

Son, we have been doing it all along
The foods we eat are no sauces or tart
It is a sumptuous serving of your mother’s heart
She washes our dirt in the clothes and in the thought
She tells you it’s ok, when you’re disillusioned or distraught
The bedtimes stories endless come by
And in your stomach ache the turmeric apply
Every single thing just handpicked for you
Your lunch box, your craft books and the dreams few
She helps you spot a tree from its leaves or its stem
For how can you plant if you’ve not lived amongst them?
Son, if everything was done with motherly care
There were no desert storms no fighting, no hatred to spare
No jargons of globalization coined for personal gains
No nukes, no weapons of mind, only humanity remain

Papa, my friend told me everybody dies
And to the God in Heaven he files
Papa, I want to meet Him, can we meet God?
Can we make a holiday trip to His heavenly abode?

Son, I do not know the address, but they say he lives down the lane
Down the other one, the one after, and the further again
A rickshaw puller once said, I can prove to you the God exists
Love, Care, Happiness, you can prove me wrong, if you have nothing of it

Son, life is a holiday trip to Him alone
As ever said by every learned one
For how to live, if you ask them, they’ll come
Life is bigger, we are not the learned ones
Life is an experience you have to walk it yourself
You just have to be conscious you’re not walking over someone else

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