18 June 2007

Shape our ideology

Monday morning started with a healthy dose of mails and a pertinent, probing question about our ideology. Will copperbeech restrict itself to only the 'positive' and 'happy' side of life or will it take up larger social issues, which would be patently cause much distress and angst? The mail had graphical images of baby seals being hunted for pleasure.

Another asked if eating healthy food or enjoying a pleasurable moment in the restaurtant be considered conscious living when we continue to disregard such issues?

I accept the validity of both the questions - one questions how our ideology adapts itself to the 'real' world and the other, reminds us that all issues aren't 'equal'.

Briefly, my answers:
1. We must be aware of our 'role'. There's the television, the cinema, the newspaper, the activists, the eco-terrorists ... what role do we play amongst all others? I can confirm that we are for 'positive' awareness and action. We aren't for 'action against' - we are for 'action for'.
2. We must be aware of our chosen 'path'. Topics in themselves are not untouchable but what we do with them, would define who we are.
3. Yes, issues do come in all sizes - but better consciousness gives us the power to make decisions and sizeup issues in our minds and hearts. It gives us the power to make sustainable changes. Our perceptions need calibrating all the time. Could weight of one issue trivialize the other?

These are my personal views - I have also suggested a course of action but they aren't important for this discussion. I'll like an open disussion and here's your chance to shape our ideology. Please write with your thoughts and comments. What would you do, faced with information of this nature (baby seals being killed for fun etc.)?

A reminder:
Living consciously is to be active rather than passive - aware of and responding to one’s surroundings; to be open to perceiving the world around and within us, to understand our circumstances, and to decide how to respond to them in ways that honour needs, values, and goals. Living consciously is seeking to be aware of everything that bears on our interests, actions, values, purposes, and goals.

1 comment:

Angela Clarke said...

Interesting feedback. My view on this is that:
1) We can't solve all the problems in the world but as conscious types should be aware
2) CBL can raise awareness of these issues as part of their information feed
3) CBL could also make it easier for people to help ie set up transparent charities with accountable donations
4) We all play a role in uplifting the world's consciousness starting with ourselves. CBL is playing a role, helping the shift/transition in a unique way. Charities and others do this in other ways. We all contribute to the greater solution using the best way we can